We meet every Tuesday evening during term time from 6:30pm to 7:30pm down at the Pavilion. We provide boys and girls from 6-8 years old with a balanced programme of events where the main focus is to HAVE FUN!!!
We have a limited number of places so please call Inga in the first instance for a membership form and any further info....850215
We are always on the look out for adult volunteer Beaver helpers - you don't have to commit to helping every week (although it would be nice if you could!) and the kids don't bite(much!). Also if there's anyone out there with an interesting job or hobby that they'd like to share with us, we would make you more than welcome! We may even stretch to a cup of tea and a biscuit! Again, please call Inga if you're interested on 850215.
Now to be part of the Cubs page where any information about the Beavers will now appear.