Abernethy, Aberargie and Dron News

Last date for submissions

31st October 2022

Date of publication

1st December 2022


A word of thanks to all those who helped with the organising, transporting and decorating of the Christmas trees for Abernethy and Aberargie. A special thank you to Aberargie residents who not only erected and decorated the tree but raised the funds to buy the tree all in a week. Switch on events at Abernethy and Aberargie were very  well supported by the communities. Lots of community spirit!

Thank you also to those who helped clear snow during the January winter spell; great to see neighbours helping each other. Perth and Kinross Council have assessed and prioritised roads based on their usage and importance. The categories are on the Council website, unfortunately Main St  is not a priority area. Hopefully grit boxes will all be filled before the next icy spell.

I mentioned in the December 2017 issue of the Crier about inconsiderate parking on Main St and the Square, not  surprisingly this topic is mentioned daily on Abernethy Face Book page, this topic has been discussed many times. I know the topic was raised with me in 1999. Has the situation improved? The answer is NO there are more cars trying to park in a small area. Council officers have been consulted and have offered various solutions. The community can help to make it better, not solve. Please think before you park. I really do wish I had the solution. Yellow lines have been suggested, if agreed this will take some time to be finalised. In the meantime just imagine there are yellow lines and avoid parking at the corner please.

Kinross-shire, Almond and Earn Action Partnership held a participatory budgeting event last April. This year the partnership has £18,252 for deserving projects, applications for up to £2K will be closed by the time you read this but YOU will decide who gets the money. Come along to the Williamson Hall Saturday 17th March from 10.30am and VOTE for 3 most deserving projects. This money comes from Perth & Kinross  Health & Social Care Partnership and the Scottish Government Community Choices Fund.

Hope to see you at the Williamson Hall on 17th March.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you want any more information about Action Partnership or if I can help with any other matter.

kathleenbaird@pkc.gov.uk    07584206839

 Councillor  Kathleen Baird