Abernethy, Aberargie and Dron News

Last date for submissions

31st October 2022

Date of publication

1st December 2022


Phew! It has been warm, although whilst I am writing this it is raining. It is certainly welcome for the gardens.

I am sure you have all noticed the new “Heritage Garden” at the top of Hatton Road; as you know it was a bit of rough ground but now it will add another beautiful corner to the village. It is now open although the planting has not yet started due to the recent very dry conditions. I think the AIB team/committee should be congratulated for their hard work in making this new garden development come to pass, however AIB need more volunteers to help with the extra work that will be involved in keeping this garden tidy. Come along - it is all good fun.

Many thanks go to Keir Allen, Doug Cleeton and the girls from the Silver Lining Hair Studios for clearing the gully, or shuchy as it is known locally, in the School Wynd. What a difference! It’s a shame more people don’t show the same interest towards the village.

I think a big thanks should go to PKC grounds maintenance team for the fine job that they are making of the areas for which they are responsible around the village. Hopefully they will get rid of the “no mow” area in the Powrie Park as it is an eyesore and has areas of ragwort that can be poisonous to animals.

After a long break due to Covid, some of the village organisations are trying to get up and running again. Auld Abernethy Association is hoping to resume its monthly meetings at the beginning of October, and the Burns Club of Abernethy is also in the middle of planning its annual supper for February 2023, but before that it is holding a folk music night in October. For more details of the function see the Burns Club article.

Jimmy Swan


Incredible as it may seem, we are once again approaching autumn and the summer holidays are over for another year. I hope all our readers have enjoyed the last few months and made the most of the less restricted way of life imposed by the pandemic.

This edition of the Village Crier contains a look at the past, the present and the future in the Parish with a mixture of both good and not so good news. I will leave you to judge which is which as you turn the pages.

First and foremost, congratulations to the prize winners in the various categories of the Abernethy in Bloom competition and thanks must go to Abernethy in Bloom for all the hard work it does to keep Abernethy looking bright and cheerful. By the same token it is sad that the Horticultural is now disbanded but I guess Abernethy in Bloom has taken over. The society itself evolved from the Flower Shows held in Abernethy, the first of which was held on the 26th August 1978, so one thing does lead to another.

Something new to activate the brain - Wordsearch. No cheating, don't look at the answers until you are completely stuck!  

Also, another new recipe to try out. I hope Ruby's recipes are keeping all the cooks and bakers happy trying out tasty dishes and cakes etc.

We welcome the contribution by our new councillor Michelle Frampton and look forward to her working along with David Illingworth  and Frank Smith.

I was pleased to read the letter to the Editor about the Powrie Park. I had a walk there myself in early summer and was saddened to see the state it is in now. I remember it well in the days it was looked after by ONE man, so neat, trim and tidy.

It is good to have a regular article from Aberargie and I just wonder if anyone from Dron might like to let us know what is happening up there.

Of the past there is plenty to read about, witches, railways and racing, and of the present, the Heritage Garden, the Cubs and Scouts, the Museum of Abernethy and on-going organisations,  while of the future, autumn and winter activities restarting after a period of over 2 years, Auld Abernethy Association, SWI etc.

One sad piece of news is that Stan and Aileen will be leaving us; sad for us but good for them and maybe perhaps Aileen will get to Cromarty! I can give them several recommendations of things to see and do on the Black Isle. It is rather worrying, the situation The Church of Scotland is in at the moment, a case of waiting to see what the future holds.

Even if you don't go to church it would be well worth your while to look in and view the Hanging after you have read the story of everything and everyone involved in its production and those who devoted so much time and care in designing, sewing and assembling this beautiful piece of work.

Enough from me. Enjoy what should be a beautiful and colourful autumn.

Hilda Clow