Abernethy, Aberargie and Dron News

Last date for submissions

31st October 2022

Date of publication

1st December 2022

JUNE 2015

Hello again Readers,

Before I start my article for the current edition of The Crier I look back to check what I had written a year ago for several reasons:

1) It is interesting to remember what was "on the go" at the same time last year.
2) To find out if any changes had taken place because of what had been publicised in The Crier, resolution of problems,progress on current matters etc
3) Answers to questions
4) Make sure I am not writing the same things over and over again.

So I have just had a brief review of The Crier June 2014.

As of last year, we have had a beautiful Easter weekend despite the bad start on Good Friday, as I headed north on the A9 in pouring rain. It was a very slow journey that day. However I finally reached my destination and the sun shone for the rest of the weekend. Easter was later last year so already we have had an extra week or two of sunshine.

Just one more backward look, Noone has come up with an answer to my query of a year ago,"why have we the names of Crimean battles in the village and indeed maybe one of our neighbours in Bridge of Earn would be able to explain Oudenarde, one of Marlborough's victories against the French during the War of the Spanish Succession (1708).

It is an interesting fact that since coming to Abernethy 47 years ago the population has more or less doubled but the number of shops and businesses has decreased-------no longer the Butcher a Baker and although I don't think there was a Candlestick Maker, Norman Peddie in the post office certainly sold candles along with all sorts of bits and pieces which one would find in an ironmonger's shop. Even the traditional ironmongers are few and far between and THE BIG FIRMS that took over such as Homebase are closing down. Where are we going to get our nails and hammers etc.

Despite the increase in the population we very seldom get news of Births of which there have been many over the last 5 years. Always we have news of Deaths, so let us have some happy news to balance the sad news. Remember The Crier is yours so it is up to all of you to keep it alive with your news. We will be delighted to hear from you.

On this same subject, remember The Parish of Abernethy contains Aberargie and Dron so we would like to hear your news too. Aberargie is looking very smart and at Christmas time it is always exciting to see the Christmas lights so let us have your news as well. Dron is a wee bit off the beaten track but things happen there too. Tell us about them! It is a lovely walk/short cycle run round the Drons with beautiful views from the higher ground.This brings me to my next topic, WALKING.

I know there is a walking group in Abernethy but we never hear where it goes. I was hearing from an Abernethy friend about the  wonderful walk she had done from Errol, along the riverside close by the reed beds. I too, have done this walk and it is so interesting seeing the area from a different angle. Very recently my walking group walked through the Invermay Estate, starting in Forteviot and ending up having  a look  in the graveyard and the church in Forteviot. It was interesting to discover that the Macdonald of Macdonald Fraser market is buried there. He was the founder of that famous market well-known throughout the world for the Aberdeen Angus Bull Sales. Sadly no longer in Perth. Last week our walk started in Dollar, climbing to Castle Campbell (formerly Castle Gloom, well named) and then continued through Glen Devon ending with a nice cold drink at Tormaukin Inn. So many wonderful walks on our doorstep.. Why don't we have an exchange of news and views on walks?

What does everyone think of the new roundabout on the Baiglie? It is rather disappointing that there is no mention of Abernethy on any of the numerous signposts which have been erected. Has Abernethy become the 21st century Brigadoon?  Finally what are the thoughts on the sculpture? I would bepleased if someone would tell me what it is supposed to repres ent. I await a reply to that one with bated breath!

Meantime, here's hoping for a glorious summer in Abernethy.                       

                                          Hilda Clow


I am glad I live on Back Dykes and not on Main Street, at least if there is a fire or other emergency the Emergency Services might be able to get to the incident.

If you live on Main Street, because of the disorganised parking, there is little chance of the Fire brigade or other, reaching your emergency. Some of the parking would barely allow a car through the space let alone a fire tender. Think before you park!

I read in the December issue that the location of the Christmas tree may have to change due to the new hole in the ground, because of the recent school developments, not being deep enough to hold up a reasonably sized tree.

I think, and please correct me if I am wrong, the Community Council forked out £700 to install power and to form a hole for a tree.
I always thought that Councils were pretty good at digging holes, one man digging and seven standing around watching. Why should the Community pay again for the Council or builders ineptitude to dig a hole big enough to do the job?

What do you think?      

 The Ed.