Last year Flora made us all very proud when she was Scottish Novice Endurance Champion but this year has been very quiet for her. All organised Endurance Rides
stopped immediately when lockdown hit us in March and have only begun very cautiously since September. It has done her no harm to have a quiet year. In October Flora and Kirstie had an adventurous ride on the hilly terrain between Dunning and Path of Condie.
This looks like the last ride this season now that we cannot travel between areas.
Bella has been enjoying the stubble fields but this was the last summer when Fenella could be ridden and now she has retired and has had her shoes off.
Mac is still happy although he looks so thin. Do not worry about him when you pass the field because he really is getting a lot of specially made mashes. He can’t take an apple or a carrot from you because he has so few teeth but he will enjoy a slice of bread
Flora and Fennela have their own half of the field so that their hay can be rationed. We want them to lose a bit of weight over the winter.
The ponies do enjoy getting out but they are content to be with each other in the field and are always interested in visitors. You can give them an apple or a carrot over the fence but do not go in the field.