Over the last few months the Community Council business has been dominated by several recurrent anongoing topics that we thought should be brought to the attention of the community at large. Fuller de- tailof each topic can be found on the village website or the notice board:
Binn Farm: the wind turbine proposal is once again to the fore, it is likely there will be a public exhibition in the village before the proposal is formally submitted to PKC
Binn Landfill: variation to maintenance obligations being sought by the operator once the landfill is capped
Jamesfield wind turbine: pending decision, for the record the Community Council responded questioning the size of the proposed turbine with respect to the low lying surrounding area.
Aberargie Distillery: original proposal withdrawn, no further information at present on a possible larger proposal
Extension of Core Path linking Newburgh, Abernethy and Bridge of Earn: ongoing dialogue with the respective land owners
Rough Glen and Castlelaw: further evidence and sightings of trials bikes damaging the paths
Nurse Peattie’s Garden: proposal to fell the large conifer and replace with a smaller tree that might serve as the village Christmas tree
Bus shelter on Back Dykes: awaiting availability of a shelter