There is a well known irreverent law that says that that within a day or two of submitting a Crier article something of significant interest comes to light but it misses the cut-off for publication. It was just so earlier in the year when the Community Council update suggested no further developments in relation to the Aberargie Distillery only to find two days later that a new application had been submitted for a larger complex. Some will have seen the application progress quickly and successfully through the planning process, as yet there is no indication of when the works are likely to commence.
Contradicting that law on this occasion comes the very significant news that the Binn Farm landfill is set to close at the end of September this year although the disposal of certain types of waste will continue until March of next year. Following closure, there will be an extended period for site restoration which involves containing and capping all exposed landfill materials, then finally landscaping of the site. The operator then has a duty to continue to monitor and maintain the site for a period of five years after completion of the restoration programme. For the many who have been blighted by the landfill smells this must be very welcome news, the Community Council is an active participant in the Binn Farm Community Forum so we will closely monitor how the closure and restoration programme progresses.
Parking in Abernethy, in particular around the Square, is a regular discussion topic at the Community Council meetings and something that elicits strong feelings. Getting the balance right between the needs and expectations of residents, visitors and service vehicles is extremely difficult and one that inevitably involves compromise or accommodation. PKC Councillors and Road Safety Officer have conjointly visited the Square and while they have their own views the Community Council would be very keen to hear from villagers about how we can make a difficult situation more workable. It is important that the village maintains a degree of control over any decision on parking otherwise there is a risk we finish up with tightly controlled parking bays and our roads swathed in yellow lines.
Colin Morrison