Abernethy, Aberargie and Dron News

Can you believe it?  The Museum of Abernethy will shortly be entering its 12th year of opening to the public.  It’s been a fascinating journey for those of us who have been involved in the development since its inception.

From small beginnings, the Museum has built up an enviable reputation in the wider community.

Our first achievement was to receive a 4-star rating from the Scottish Tourist Board and later to be recognised as a “registered” Museum. Following on from the latter, in the past year, after a great deal of industry, we were given “Accreditation” from the Museums/Archives & Libraries Council

All of this, of course, would not have been possible but for the hard work put in by a dedicated band of volunteers who give an immense amount of time to the project.

Time marches on, however, and many of our helpers would welcome “new blood” to join the team. There are many areas where particular skills could be utilised and which, I am sure, are in abundance in the community of Abernethy.  Some which come to mind are:

Marketing experience for our small shop.

Fund raising ability to assist that which is presently being undertaken by the Social Committee.

Care of and research into the artefacts of the Museum.

Board members to oversee the general running of the Museum

If you think you can be of assistance in any of these areas you will be given a warm welcome and plenty of help.  Museum personnel are usually in the Museum on a Tuesday between 10 to 12 (mornings) or between 2 and 4 in the afternoon, should you wish further information  Alternatively, you could make contact by ringing any of the following numbers.

Wyn       850237  

Rachel    850578

Lesley    850038

                                   Wyn  Dobbie


                                 Museum of Abernethy