If you have a consumer problem I would suggest that you do not phone or call at the Ctitizen’s Advice Bureau. You will get good advice but a better idea is to phone the dedicated
CONSUMER HELP LINE 03454 04 05 06
The adviser you speak to is a specialist who only deals with consumer problems. More importantly, they can also report a problem to Trading Standards if the trader is doing something illegal. Trading Standards can also build up a case if they get a pattern of complaints about the same trader.
The Consumer Rights Act 2015 states that goods should be;
Of satisfactory quality
Fit for purpose
Match their description
These rights can apply for up to five years in Scotland.
I had a caller recently who had a problem with a kitchen unit in her static caravan. She claimed under her two year warranty as the fault was due to poor workmanship. The manufacturer claimed that the warranty started when the unit left the factory, not when she bought it and would not replace or repair the unit. This is obviously incorrect but she did not need to argue with the manufacturer about warranties. She could claim under the Consumer Rights Act.
Another way to complain is to use one of our template letters. There are 24 consumer templates at www.citizensadvice.org.uk in the consumer section. You complete an on-line form with all the details and the computer magically transforms them into a letter that you can download, print, sign and post.
The Citizen’s Advice Bureau is completely confidential. The articles I write for the Crier are always based on true stories but I disguise the client so they could never be identified.
The Citizen’s Advice Bureau is at 7 Atholl Crescent. Drop in is 10am-12 noon, Monday to Friday or phone 01738 450581 for an appointment in the afternoon. If the line is busy you can leave a message and you will get a call-back. The number will come up as Withheld to protect your privacy. 01738 450580 is the Advice Line. This line is often busy but if you leave a message your call will be returned.
Everything is confidential, even the fact that you visited the bureau. There is also a web-site run by the CAB. Citizensadvice.org.uk covers many topics and is easy to use.