If you are having difficulty getting through to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau Advice Line you could try the new Tayside Advice Project.
This offers an e-mail advice service at advice.tayside@casonline.org.uk You give as much information as possible and say how you would like a reply – e-mail, telephone or a written reply. You should hear within 5 working days.
There is also a telephone helpline at 0845 296 1010. The opening hours are ; Tuesday 8am-10am, Wednesday 4pm-5pm, Thursday 2pm-4.30pm, Friday 8am-10am, last Saturday of each month10am-noon.
The difference between this and the normal helpline (01738 624301, weekdays, 10am-3.45pm) is that if you call out of hours or the line is busy you can leave a message and the adviser will contact you on the next working day.
As with the main bureau there is general information on a wide range of issues with specialist help for benefits, employment , housing or debt issues. Representation at court or tribunal may be available but will be offered on a case by case basis.