Abernethy, Aberargie and Dron News

Last date for submissions

31st October 2022

Date of publication

1st December 2022


Dear Readers,

I don't know how many of you will realise that this is the Fifth Birthday of the Village Crier! Yes, every household in the Parish has received a copy every 3 months, free of charge, since December 2008 and it is still going strong. I wonder if you remember the first edition, a single A4 sheet, printed on both sides, 2 articles, 1 advert and timetables for Brian's Shop, The Surgery, Mobile Library, Bank and Post Office. Things have moved on thanks to everyone who has contributed in any way, be it by articles, reports from organisations, letters and advertisements and now on average we produce around 24 pages in each edition.

Sometimes this takes a bit of juggling as the complete edition always has to have multiples of 4 pages. It is thanks to the expertise of Jimmy, Les and Gareth that we manage to fit in everything one way or another.

Those of us involved in the production wish to extend our thanks to those who advertise. They are the ones who provide the finance which allows The Crier to be delivered freely. Of course those who send in articles etc, you are the people providing the news. We on the Committee put it all together and send it off to the printer and finally, the super team of "Paperboys and girls" which delivers to your door. Without any of these groups we would not succeed I hope this gives you some insight as to what has gone on behind the scenes over the last 5 years and we hope will continue ad infinitum

I must add our meetings putting the material together can be most entertaining as well as being very interesting. We have many discussions about apostrophes, commas, inverted commas, punctuation and grammar in general which often leads to a great deal of hilarity!

I often mention where I am when I write my "bit". Well, this time it is sitting at the kitchen table in the old homestead, cosy inside, dark and dreich outside but I am looking forward to my last breath of sea-air in Morar before winter sets in. Can you believe a retired person has difficulty in finding time to go away for a few days? I am that person!

It seems no time since October/November last year and everyone seems to be wondering the same, "Where has 2013 gone?" Was it the good summer with its exciting events, Andy Murray at Wimbledon, the birth of Prince George, the build up to the Commonwealth games in Glasgow and the Ryder Cup at Gleneagles in 2014, the farmers getting a decent harvest for once, the children having good weather over the school holidays? Who knows? One thing, we all should have greater resistance to the usual winter ailments after a sunny summer. Now all the winter activities are in full swing so I expect various reports to be within the pages.

The innovation last year of an Art Exhibition in the Museum proved to be so successful that it was decided to extend the opening times over 2 weekends this year. I am amazed at the artistic talent there is on our own doorstep. No doubt there will be a detailed account within this edition.

Another interesting article I know has been submitted is about Abdie Curling Club and also 2 personal announcements,a birth and a death have been sent in.

As I too have to meet the deadline date for submis- sions I don't always know the content of the current edition until it is put together so cannot make any further comment

Once again I close by wishing all our readers A Very Happy Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosper- ous New Year..

Hilda Clow.


During the summer, and what a summer it was, my Wife and I took our Granddaughters up Castle Law.
On the way up we tried to find the Witches cave, a place I spent many an afternoon as a child. It was a struggle as it was very overgrown with Birch trees and scrub. It is obvious by this that not too many people are visiting the cave.

As kids we regularly wandered up and played in the cave, great adventure.

Do people know it’s there?

Let me know.

It’s a long time since we had some vandalism in the Village and as you can see from the letters page the local neds have been busy at the Brandywell road play park.

Again my grandchildren love going up there to play on the swings and things.

If anyone has any idea who was to blame contact the Police then write to the Crier and name and shame.

Last December we asked our readers to look out for elderly neighbours during the winter months. The message is the same this year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year and thank you for supporting the Newsletter again this past year.

The Ed