Abernethy, Aberargie and Dron News

Last date for submissions

31st October 2022

Date of publication

1st December 2022

MARCH 2013

Dear Readers,

As you read this we have entered the third month of 2013 but as I write we are only half-way through the first month, snow on the ground and cold outside, however the days are already slightly longer.

Well 2012 was an eventful year; apart from being the wettest in many areas since records began and yet dry and beautiful during the summer on the west coast and West- ern Isles. What a strange climate we experience now.  

The pomp and pageantry of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee started off the summer and one cannot but admire the grace and stamina of both Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip.

Then we moved on to the Olympics ----- the excitement of the torch coming through Abernethy, the spectacular opening ceremony followed by the actual events and all the emotions they produced, the triumphs, the disappointments, the apprehensions, the reliefs but above all the general feeling of friendship and true sportsmanship.

The Paralympics followed and again the admiration felt for all the competitors, their courage and determination to overcome whatever disability had afflicted them.

A truly eventful year crowned finally by Andy Murray win- ning the U.S. Open and Europe retaining the Ryder Cup.

So, what have we to look forward to in 2013? Not very much as far as actual events but plenty of preparation for 2014; The Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, The Ryder Cup at Gleneagles and the Referendum.

What do you think of these forthcoming events? How will we be affected by any of them? Will we have more tourists? Will there be an increase in the employment figures. Will there be an improvement in the economy? What about writing to The Crier and sharing your views and thoughts? We need to get more of your views and opinions into print

The annual get-together of The Crier delivery team took place at the beginning of December in Cree's Inn where nice again we were treated to a wonderful buffet supper by Brian. The presentation of prizes to the winners of the Young Writers' Competition took place at this event and it was delightful to have Morven and Imogen with us. Unfortunately Eilidh was not able to be present with us but her entry was read out to us by Morven after reading out her own and Imogen reading hers. As you can see from the photographs inside a very happy evening was enjoyed by all. I hope this year there will be more entries; further information inside this edition so young people take note.

As I write I am noting forthcoming events. One in particular which draws my attention, which is the A.G.M. of the Wil- liamson Hall on the 4th February, notification of which was given in the last Crier. I hope there was a good turn-out at this meeting and that the threat of closure has been avert- ed. Abernethy is very fortunate in having such an asset, there are few halls in the area with such excellent facilities would be a serious loss to the village if no longer available for ceilidhs, discos, parties Burns Suppers etc. Another im- portant factor about the Williamson Hall is it belongs to the people of Abernethy and is run by the people of Abernethy with no interference from outside bodies.

On that note I will close and let you turn over the pages of this spring-time edition of The Crier.

Until June,

Hilda Clow.


2014 is going to be a very important year in Scotland’s history. Why! it’s the year of “The Referendum”. This referendum may change Scotland and it’s people for ever and we will be part of it.

Over the next year I would like to engage the people of Abernethy, Aberargie and Dron, through the Crier, in our own conversation, our discussion on the future of this great country.

What are your views, your fears, your hopes?

Let’s have a good old conversation and use the Crier as your soap box.

If you want your name withheld, that’s okay, as long as you supply it to Ed.

As you can see from the following letter Sheena and Brigit received an award for their years of hard work picking up our dropped litter, an award I am sure you will agree is well overdue. Let’s not even discuss Perth and Kinross Council’s pathetic effort to keep our streets clean.

Well done Sheena and Brigit.

The Ed