When Iris Watson heard that there was to be a village newsletter , she was one of the first people to offer her help with the distribution. Iris is a well kent face in the village and with her knowledge of the houses and inhabitants around West Park, Den Park , and Hall Park, she was eagerly accepted as a distributor for that area : and Iris looked forward to the day when each new edition was delivered to her door to be taken round to her neighbours and friends.
Happily she distributed for five “Crier” issues, and on the day that she received her bundle for March, although she had a house full of tradesmen, and the weather was horrible she ventured forth regardless. However , and this is where the story gets serious , poor Iris met with disaster at the very first house she went to ; as she struggled to get the newsletter through the letterbox her fingers were grabbed by an angry dog on the other side, with difficulty she managed to extract her hand but two of her fingers were badly torn and bruised and bleeding. As luck would have it , the painter at her house was a kindly soul and bundled the shocked Iris into his car and took her to Newburgh surgery from which she emerged with two very heavily bandaged fingers .
The healing process has not been straightforward but thankfully our loyal distributor has now made a complete recovery and is still happy to go on with her “dangerous” job.
Many, many thanks to Iris and all the “Village Crier” distributors, but do be careful of letter boxes with teeth!
Maureen Nisbet.