In an around Abernethy there are many paths to tread, which meet the needs of everyone. I have tried walks that are signposted, 'The Glen', up to Castle Law, farm tracks around Cordon farm, and they all offer different challenges and views of our village and surrounding land.
Only recently I learned of a circular walk from the village, which if well planned ends up in the pub! By leaving the village on the Newburgh Road and walking to Jamesfield, then turning left and down the road toward Ferryfield, the return route is through the adjoining fields on a reasonable track, until it emerges on the farm track north of Balgonie and Netherfield. At that point options are a return to the village on a longer route by turning right and passing the cottages of Cordon, or turning left and joining the path at the north of the railway, before walking back to Powrie Park. Either way with a little creativity, you end up in the pub!
On my early venture to the 'peak of' Castle Law, before reaching the summit I veered off to my right
and found a path and track through the forest that runs above Glenfoot and Aberargie before heading south toward Glen Farg (well the Bein Inn to be precise). However, I opted for bearing left from the track and covering some rough ground, albeit on a track that is reasonably obvious, before passing a lochan just above Castle Law, and then onto the 'peak of' Castle Law itself.
I have no doubt that these walks are well known to many, but equally unknown to more, but to me they were still adventures!
Walking itself is one of the best forms of excercise available to almost everyone and whilst there is an obvious restriction on the number of walks in and around Abernethy, there must be many from Abernethy to surrounding villages, all with pubs hopefully!
Doug Cleeton