We have had a good season at the Museum with an increase in visitor numbers from last year. Thank you to everyone who took the time to visit and to volunteer to support the Museum. We also had another good Art Exhibition with a number of new artists joining us. We look forward to the winter months with Red Wine Productions coming in November and a Volunteer Christmas Party in December.
One area we are struggling with is recruiting new vol- unteers. We are desperate for more people to join the Collections Management Group. If you could spare a couple of hours on a Tuesday we would really like to hear from you. The group is responsible for putting up displays, looking after the collection, answering queries and maintaining the Museum building and garden. No particular skills are necessary and tea and biscuits are always available! Please call Sonja at the Museum on 850889 if you can help.
Next season we hope to have our Pictish stones properly displayed and other areas enhanced so watch this space ...!